香港樂壇百變天后鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng將首次在英國舉行她的大型巡迴演唱會,把其歌曲帶給期待已久的英國觀眾。 《Touch Mi鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會-倫敦站》於2016年5月31日席捲倫敦The SSE Arena, Wembley!
倫敦站門票於 2016年3月26日於 公開發售!
Get ready for Hong Kong's prominent award winning Canto-pop Diva, Sammi Cheng, as she will grace the SSE Arena, Wembley with Sammi Cheng “Touch Mi” World Tour in London on 31 May 2016. Don't miss out on this leading Asian female singer who brings along a unique fashion style to all her singing performances. It will definitely be an experience just to see her perform.
Ticket on sale from 26th March on!